Tag Archive: L’écriture

Ecrire (“Why Marguerite Duras”)

August 3, 2015 10:12 pm Published by

1. Because in every moment of her writing Duras circles the “origin” of the origin.
2. Because this circling is related to an unrelated emptiness.
3. Because circling around the empty origin is touching truth
4. Because to touch a truth means to relate to the namelessness of your origin.
5. Because the circling reference on namelessness connects the poetic form with the philosophical form.
6. Because this form is intimacy with the uncanny.
7. Because Duras knows that there is intimacy only with the untouchability of a universal exterior.
8. Because Duras calls touching the untouchable love.
9. Because real knowledge is knowledge of the unknowable.
10. Because in the thinking and writing of Duras there exist the idea of truth-knowledge.
11. Because truth-knowledge implies touching the limit of knowledge.
12. Because to touch the limit of knowledge is the only challenge, necessity, and legitimization, the unqiue ability of litterature and philosophy.
13. Because what Duras calls writing, is the insistence on the most necessary – of inevitability itself.
14. Because Duras knows that truth-knowledge icnludes the cancellation, the reduction, the restriction, the neutralization and the destruction of fact-knowledge.
15. Because every “journalistic” intervention of Duras is suspending the imperialism, authority, legitimacy, plausibility, and persuasion of fact-dictates
16. Because Duras affirmed the suspension of fact-knowledge as the necessity, evidence and intensity of her writing process.
17. Because Duras’ writing, adventue, venture, recklessness, madness and life commits itself to the paradox, contradiction and conflicted-ness of the formulation of the non-formulatable.
18. Because Duras placed her full ignorance in the service of truth-knowledge.
19. Because the knowledge that sacrifices itself to truth finally begins to approach knowledge as truth-knowledge.
20. Because this knowledge is opening of the closure of truth, opening the subject to the extrem limit of it’s subjectivity.
21. Because for Duras the courage of the opening to closure is fundamendal for (her) life.
22. Because this courage, this recklessness, this blindness and haste and charm is articulated as precise language, as mathematical turbulence.
23. Because in Duras’ writing the will for precision is unresolvable from hyperbolic courage.
24. Because writing is the experience of the conflictuous compossibility of knowledge and truth.
25. Because Duras generates her own concept of absolute knowledge.

Studio Walter – Ecrire (Why Marguerite Duras), 2015

Marcus Steinweg “Why Marguerite Duras?” in “Flamme éternelle” Journal n°33 – 1 juin 2014, exposition de Thomas Hirschhorn au Palais de Tokyo, du 24 avril au 23 juin 2014 / lecture au Britzer Garten de Berlin, août 2015 – Texte en allemand.

Retour en écriture, j’espère pour quelques temps !

Faire histoire/s

August 17, 2014 7:45 pm Published by

“Pour la grande majorité d’entre nous, le passé n’existe qu’en ce qu’il est utilisable au présent. Sinon, on l’oublie. L’histoire, dans son usage courant, n’est ni une science exacte, ni une somme d’événements. C’est une interprétation provisoire, écrite au présent ; c’est un tri dans les événements que l’on organise et réorganise constamment pour pratiquer le monde dans lequel on vit. Il arrive même qu’on invente ces événements. On transforme l’histoire au fur et à mesure que le monde se transforme.”

Cartes d’été

July 23, 2014 10:54 am Published by

Lidice, CzAu tirage dans l'ordre - MorelPeignotParadis

  • Par Dimitri (Lidice, Cz), Palix (“Au tirage dans l’ordre”), Etienne, Berlin Hermannstraße et au paradis (MessyNessy) – été 2014.

Images de Paris

July 12, 2014 10:21 pm Published by

Studio Walter - Paris 1Studio Walter - Paris 2

Au moment de me remettre en modélisation d’écriture, à la fiction qui fera suite, en long format, à celles des Esthéticiennes, de l’Hôtel du Rayon Vert et de la Villa des Sillons, s’opère en moi un retour à mes années parisiennes et à ses petits foyers de lumière. Planchers, murs blancs, fenêtres à balconnets ; la rumeur de la rue, les nuits d’été par la fenêtre rentrées ; tout ce qui pour moi dans ce nid, dans cette ville, s’est emmêlé. On part en vacances, des réponses attendues, maintenant, pour la rentrée / (tête tournée).