Categories for Les filles et le tendre


December 5, 2013 7:32 pm Published by


  • Michel Beaulieu, “Je tourne en rond mais c’est autour de toi”, éditions du Jour, 1969 via Locus Solus
  • Jean-Pierre Bobillot, “Crever le matelas de mots! et autres poèmes 1978-1999”, L’Atelier de l’Agneau (via Grand Chien)
  • Keith Waldrop, “Aimer par description”, Créaphis, 1995


November 14, 2013 2:09 am Published by

“Elle m’a fait un geste des yeux pour m’inviter à monter. C’était un geste bleu.”

  • Richard Brautigan, “Un privé à Babylone”, 10/18

Nymphe en intérieur

November 12, 2013 12:06 pm Published by

The nymph of Amalthea

  • “The Nymph of Amalthea, 1780s”, source aaqindex, via Bruno Meillier / Les proliférations malignes
  • Hella Haasse, “La source cachée”, Actes Sud / Babel, 2000
  • Gilbert Lascault, “Figurées, défigurées – Petit vocabulaire de la féminité représentée”, 10/18, 1977
  • Egalement : eau, fontaines, nympholepsie, nymphées

Roland Barthes la nuit

November 9, 2013 10:39 pm Published by


  • Roland Barthes, “Fragments d’un discours amoureux”, Tel Quel / Seuil, 1977
  • Alberto Manguel, “La bibliothèque la nuit”, Actes Sud, 2006 / Wikipedia

Motto du tendre

October 7, 2013 9:00 pm Published by

Motto du tendre - Studio Walter

Pour Séverine, Marion et Jean – Studio Walter 2013

15%, 78% and $108

September 23, 2013 9:56 pm Published by

“Next I approach the beauty aisle. There is a scary looking machine there that you put your face inside of and it tells you exactly how ugly you are. They calculate your wrinkles, sun spots, the size of your pores, etc. and compare it to other women your age. I think of myself attractive but as it turns out, I am 78 percent ugly, meaning less pretty than 78 percent of women in the world. On the popular 1-10 hotness scale used by males the world over, that makes me a 3 (if you round up, which I hope you will.) A glance at the extremely close-up picture they took of my face, in which I somehow have a glorious, blond porn mustache, tells me that 3 is about right. Especially because the left side of my face is apparently 20 percent more aged than the right. Fantastic. After contemplating ending it all here and now, I decide instead to buy their product. One bottle of delicious smelling, silky feeling creme that is maybe going to raise me from a 3 to a 4 for only $108 which is a pretty good deal when you think about it”

Kelly MacLean, Surviving Whole Foods, Huffington Post

“She tries to get things
out of men
that she can’t get
because she’s not
15% prettier”

Richard Brautigan

(pour Christophe Duchatelet)